Sunday, December 4, 2016

Christmas Break Tips!

Christmas season is just around the corner, and with it, not only a break from the books and the office comes with it, but also all the sweets and weight gain follow!


We are about 21 days away from Christmas Day and many of us are already looking forward to all the good meals that this season brings with it. Today, I am going to give you few tips that are going to be very beneficial and very helpful for you to follow this coming Christmas break and save you some extra pounds added to your weight scale.

  1. First things first! ‘Keep your kitchen cupboards well stocked with healthy foods such as dried whole-wheat pasta, whole-wheat cereals, dried fruit and noodles.’1
  2. Stay hydrated. A trick to calm your appetite is by keeping yourself hydrated at all times. A good trick is to carry a water bottle with you and keep it in sight. Drink at least 4 regular size bottles of water a day (2L).
  3. No sodas or high calorie drinks. Alcoholic beverages and sodas contain high amount of calories. Choose diet sodas or water instead.
  4. Don’t forget about vitamins and minerals. Choose root vegetables and fruits. ‘Cauliflowers, artichokes and kale are good vegetables that are nutritious but also they keep you filled so you can avoid having second servings or dessert.’1
  5. Skipping? Only at the park! A lot of people think that by skipping a meal today, they are going to compensate with the big cake they ate last night. WRONG! ‘By beginning the day with a healthy breakfast, individuals can help speed up their metabolism and even keep cravings in between lunch breaks.’1
  6. christmas.jpgSlow Down. Only about 20 minutes after starting a meal, is when the human brain starts telling your body that is getting full. Give your brain the chance to warn you within this 20 minutes instead of binge eating the first 10 minutes of the meal. I am sure the cook will also appreciate this, since it probably took them quite a few hours to prepare all these meals.
  7. Last, but not least! Exercise!!. ‘It is recommended to go exercise before a big meal so that way you can offset the amount of calories you are about to intake.’2 ‘Going for a workout prior to eating a big meal also heightens the metabolism of the body, which would burn extra calories from holiday treats more effectively.’1

Enjoy your break and think healthy!


1 Ranosa, T. (2015, December 23). Want To Avoid Christmas Weight Gain? Practical Tips To Stay Fit During The Holidays. Retrieved from:
2 Wale, S. (N.D). Fitting in Fitness at Christmas. Retrieved from:

Rigth supplements for your body!

“Without a doubt, you can add muscle simply by eating right and lifting weights. But to truly maximize your growth potential, supplements are a requirement.”1

It is very common to take some kind of vitamins or other type of supplement to help build muscle mass or even to lose weight. Today I am going to focus my blog on how to gain muscle mass, eat properly and how to use  the right supplements.

In the following list you can find 6 supplements that have been research-based and that could be very beneficial towards achieving your desired muscle and mass growth.
  1. supplements1_600x450.jpgBranched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAS): this supplement is known to help your muscles soreness. Recommended for before and after working out.

  2. Creatine: aims to build strength and lean mass muscle.2
  3. Protein Bars and Powders: protein stimulates muscle growth. Good for before and after working out.
  4. Conjugated Linoleic Acid: this acid contains omega fatty acids (good fat). ‘Researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that CLA could help you lose fat and help preserve your muscle tissue’.2

  5. Glutamine: this supplement can help reduce inflammation and the risk of infections. Could also stimulate muscle growth by regulating glycogen within your body.
  6. Multivitamins:research indicates that many who train hard while desperately trying to maintain a specific body weight are often vitamin-deficient.’2 Taking vitamins supplements should help prevent that loss.

The supplements listed above are very common and easy to find at any nutrition  or department stores. Prices will range between the products depending on the brand and also on the kind of supplements you want to buy. It is recommended to obtain this kind of products in specialized stores rather than buying it online just to prevent scams or wrong manufacturing of this supplements.
Remember, before buying any product go consult your personal trainer or a professional in this field!

Now that you know a little bit more about supplements, don’t be afraid to ask you trainer and start using them!


1Muscle and Fitness. (N.D). 11 Best Supplements for Mass. Retrieved from:

2Demedeiros, J. (N.D). 6 Supplements You Shouldn’t Be Skipping. Retrieved from:

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Road to Progress

Many times, when we start working out and putting hours in the gym, we start to wonder how long is it going to take to actually start seeing and feeling progress in our endurance and strength.
It is true that exercise makes you feel better right away and that is why so many of us, including myself, right after couple of days going to the gym, we are already looking at our body in the mirror expecting to see a difference in our muscle mass or silhouette. ‘When you implement a regular exercise regime, you can see a difference in the numbers on the scale in as little as a week’.1

Obviously, the kind of results you want to achieve are going to be influenced by the type of exercises that you are going to start doing on your workout routine. On average, men can add around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds of muscles every month, which is around half of a pound of muscle every week. In the other hand, women unfortunately put mass on at a lower rate, around half a pound every two weeks which is one pound per month.

Because of these factors, people tend to be impatient. ‘Too many times people do not give their exercise plans enough time to reap the benefits they are looking for’2. Going to the gym and doing your workout routine is not the only thing that is going to affect your progress; diet, genes, gender, age and training methods are going to affect this progress as well.
Another big factor that we cannot forget about, that is going to be the key to a successful progress, is consistency. ‘You can have the best trainer in the world, and the best diet to follow, but if you do not stick with it consistently, you will wind up spinning your wheels.’2
Now that you have some more information about progress towards your goals at the weight room I hope you put it into practice, but remember, not only in fitness but in life in general, if you want to excel in what you do, consistency is the key!


References (N.D). How long after working out do you see the results? A breakdown by goal. Retrieved from:

2Zaino, C. (2013, September 23). Consistency: The Key To Progress In Your Fitness Program. Retrieved from:

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Workout Scheduling

How many times have you said or heard “I don’t work out because I don’t have enough time?” This is one of the main excuses I have and I keep hearing from friends, family, or even myself to actually not go to the gym. In this week’s blog I am going to discuss how to find the right time to workout, either at the gym or at home, and also how to challenge your clients to find some spare time during the day to spend it exercising.

fitness-clock-2.jpg‘It is always easy to find 4 hours out of 168 to work out in’1. One week has 168 hours and if you breakdown everything you do in a week, I am sure you can find about 4 hours to spare. Sacrificing time spent lying down or binge watching your favorite television show is a great way to supplement time for exercise or working out. There is the challenge, find the time you are not spending properly out of those 168 hours and invest it in yourself going to the gym, going for a walk, or just doing some exercise at home.

Another good strategy to manage your time, is by creating an event in your calendar (phone calendar, Google Calendar, etc.) and writing down the time of the day that is only for your workout. “Treat it like any other plans on your Google Calendar (like dinner with your best friend) so you're less likely to cancel.”2. It is easier to schedule time and make a proper routine when you exactly know the time of the day that you have to spare. I know it is hard to make these decisions, but if you want it, you can do it. The choice it’s in your hands.

Another thing that keeps popping up lately on social media is the ’30 Day Challenges’. This are usually easy exercises, that do not take much of your time to complete and usually can be done in your living room. There are many different kinds such as ’30 Day Abs Challenge’, ’30 Day Cardio Challenge’, etc. that are actually beneficial for you. Find the right one, start it today, and set a goal and a prize for completion. If this motivates you, get your peers involved and , it will be easier and more fun!

I hope you liked today’s entry blog, come back next week for more fitness tips!


1Gluhareff, D. (2004, November 2). No Time to Workout?
2Narins, E. (2014, July 23). 17 Genius Ways to Exercise When You Have No Time to Work Out. Retrieved from:

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Right workout, right benefits!

As with everything in life, whatever that you are trying to achieve, has a path or steps that need to be followed in order to get you to your ultimate goal.
Today I am going to discuss a few different examples of exercises that will give you different outcomes in the weight room.
Different exercises and techniques are required to achieve the fitness goals you have set. Some of this examples are made up to build up muscles and some are made up to tonificate your muscles.

Lower extremity toning:                    Upper extremity toning:            Exercise                            Exercise
4 sets of barbell squats(8rps)            4 sets of dumbell shoulder press(8rps)
3 sets of dumbell lunges(8rps)            3 sets of one arm cable curls(8rps)
3 sets of leg extensions(8rps)            3 sets of dumbell triceps kickbacks(8rps)   
3 sets of dumbell deadlift(8rps)            3 sets of barbell curls(8rps)
3 sets of standing calf raise(8rps)            2 sets of reverse push downs(8rps)
3 sets of lying leg curls(8rps)            3 sets of cable upright row(8rps)
3 sets of cable abductor raise(8rps)        3 sets of dumbell deltoid raise(8rps)

2Lower extremity build up muscle:                1Upper extremity build up muscle:
    Exercise                            Exercise
4 sets of barbell squats (5rps)                3 sets of chest press(15rps)
4 sets of dumbell lunges(5rps)                3 sets of bicep curls(15rps)
3 sets of leg press(12rps)                    3 sets of plank row(15rps)
3 sets of lying leg curls(12rps)                3 sets of pushups(15rps)
3 sets of leg extension(20rps)                3 sets of bench dips(15rps)

 Many people believe that in order to get a toned body, you need to do a lot of repetitions with lower resistance. WRONG! If you want to tone your body you are going to need to lose the extra fat layers that are in top of your muscles in order for them to start showing. Other techniques to do it, it’s engaging in cardio vascular exercises that keep up your heart rate and allows you to burn fat faster.
If you like my tips come back next week to learn about exercise routine scheduling! :)


1Sumbal, M. (2016, March 2). 6 Exercises to Strengthen Your Upper Body. Retrieved from: (N.D.). 5 Leg Workouts For Mass - A Beginner’s Guide! Retrieved from:

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Stay Hydrated

‘Whether you’re a serious athlete or a recreational exerciser, it’s important to make sure you get the right amount of water before, during, and after exercise.’1 In today’s blog we are going to talk about how important is to stay hydrated before, during and after your exercise routine, and also what kind of drinks are going to help you to maintain your body hydrated.

Sports drinks or water? This is a question that a lot of people have been asking over the years. Sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade contain high amounts of sugar, potassium and sodium that help you replenish the electrolytes that you lose during heavy exercise routines. Also, another plus about these sports drinks is the flavor added to it which helps you keep on drinking.

‘Today, Gatorade has plenty of competition, but do you really need any of them to enhance your workout? Yes, if you're exercising longer than 60 minutes — or less than that but very intensely.’2 If you are going to have a tough workout, do not hesitate on having one of these flavored sports drinks, but if you are just going for a little jog or walk to the part my recommendation would be to stick to a bottle of water.To maintain hydration during the whole day you can also eat foods that contains water, like fruit, vegetables, and yogurts. ‘According to the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations we should eat 20 percent of our daily water intake.’3

Another thing that you have to think about to maintain your hydration, is your sweat rate, how much do you sweat? Do you need to take water sips more often? Also, how hot it is in the room you are working out at? Do you work out in a humid area? Is it dryer? All this factors are going to affect how much water you need to be drinking on a daily basis. Nowadays a lot of doctors and specialists are saying that a person should be drinking around 2L of water every day on an average, but don’t forget about these other factors because sometimes, 2 liters are not enough!

Hopefully these little tips will help you towards your workout routines and also towards having a healthier way of life!

See you next week!

References (2016, January 10). Athletes: The Importance of Good Hydration

2Levin-Epstein, A. (N.D.). Sports Drinks vs. Water.

3Faherty, E. (August 6, 2015). 10 Ways to Stay Hydrated (That Aren’t Water).

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Beneficial Nutrition Tips

In today’s blog we are going to talk about few beneficial foods that you should eat before and after a workout session.
As you might already know, eating a healthy and energetic breakfast or other meal (depending on what time of the day the workout is) before going to the gym is a very important habit that everyone should follow. ‘Even though you may be tempted to skip the calories, don't. Not eating before a workout can result in low blood sugar, which leads to lightheadedness and fatigue.’1
Here is a list of a few foods that are good for you and can give you that boost needed before going to the gym!

Option 1 - Whole Wheat Toasts with Peanut Butter and a Sliced Banana.
Option 2 - Greek Yogurt with Trail Mix
Option 3 – Fruit Smoothie

If you go to the gym at a different time other than in the morning, these meals can work as well. Also, eating beneficial foods after the workout is as important as before the workout!

Option 1 – Grilled Chicken and Steamed Vegetables
Option 2 – Grilled Tilapia and Mixed Vegetables
Option 3 – Veggie Omelet with Avocado
Remember, carbohydrates are good before a workout session but is not recommended to eat them after working out. Also, try to prevent carbohydrates after 3pm. ‘Fat burning requires long periods of time with low blood sugar, so eating low-carb after 3pm gives your body this needed time and optimal body chemistry.’2
If your goal of working out is losing weight, the following foods are not recommended after 3pm:

  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Sugar
  • Corn


Now, let’s talk about timing.

‘In general, you’ll want to eat a meal high in carbs and protein and low in fat roughly three to four hours before you exercise.’2
Giving yourself a bit of time before working out will give you plenty of benefits and you will feel great and energetic by the time you get to the gym!
For post-working out, give yourself between one to two hours to eat a meal high in protein. ‘But despite what you’ve heard, it’s not necessary (or healthy) to pound a massive protein shake the second you stop pumping iron.’3

If you like my blog, come back next week for some more hydration tips!


1Men’s Fitness (N.D.). Best Pre-Workout Foods. Retrieved from

2Fit Women (2010, August 18). Boot Camp Weight Loss Plan – No Carbs after 3pm.

3Heid, M. (2014, September 14). You Asked: Should I Eat Before or After a Workout?.